

・銀行名稱|Bank Name:華南銀行(銀行代號:008)忠孝東路分行

.銀行戶名|Bank Depositor:丘園設計有限公司

・銀行帳戶|Bank Account:120-10-008806-5


1.直接從 𝐊𝐄𝐖. 官網中上傳銀行轉賬付款證明

・在您的帳號中 > 查看 “訂購記錄” > 點擊該訂單號 > 進入訂單詳情。

・在訂單資料下方,於 “附件”處上傳付款證明的圖檔(如沒有圖檔則不用上傳),
    並且在 “付款憑據” 欄目內輸入「匯款帳戶後五碼」


請填寫以下資訊,再主動將此資訊寄至我們的官方Email: [email protected] 作為付款成功的證明。我們確認帳款無誤後、會再回信給您,謝謝。

・訂單編號|Order Number:

・匯款帳戶後五碼|The last five codes of bank Account:

・匯款金額|Remittance Amount:

・匯款日期|Remittance Date:



💡After you place the pre-order, please check out by "online credit card" or "bank transfer/ATM" within 3 days.

・Bank Name: HUA NAN BANK (Bank Code: 008) Chungshiao East Road Branch

・Bank Account: 120-10-008806-5

💡After your bank transfer payment is completed, you can choose one of the following methods and send back your transfer payment proof information to us:

1. Upload the bank transfer proof of payment to the 𝐊𝐄𝐖. official website

・In your account > view "Order History" > click on the order number > enter order details.

・Under the order information, upload the remittance slip in the "Attachment" (if there is no remittance slip, you don't need to upload it), and enter the "last five codes of the remittance account" in the "Payment Credential" column.

2. Send the remittance information to our official Email

Please fill in the following information, and then send this information to our official Email: [email protected] as proof of successful payment. After we confirm that the account is correct, we will reply to you again, thank you.

・Order Number:

・The last five codes of bank Account:

・Remittance Amount:

・Remittance Date:

💡We are exempt from issuing unified invoices, thank you for your understanding.